Wednesday, November 09, 2005

New PARADOX discovered

There is a new paradox i have come acorss in the IT industry. Its called the Developer-Tester Paradox. It states that "Developer fears only two things: when the tester finds too many bugs and second when the tester finds no bugs."

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The brief history of time is still experiencing the aftershocks of 'THE BIG BANG'. Time must have had foster parents. Growing up once my little brain was able to grasp and understand scientific facts and was able to acknowledge the delicate balance right I had grown up believing Time was GOD's child and based my notion on the fact thereat the delicate balance between heavenly bodies to be GOD for the perfect

My quest for God lived a bubbles life. I had begun the journey with a lot of zeal guiding my thoughts through the sea of tranquilty. But the turbulent waters of reasoning drifted me forcefully into tangles of paradoxes. Encountering the holy paradox which states that
"God is almighty. He can do everything. Can he make a stone so heavy that he cannot move it."

P.S. ( be completed)